목록Man makes Book, Book makes Man (144)
Move Like Glacier 빙하처럼 움직여라!
18 Mar 09 Martin Buber <Tales of The Hasidim - Later Master> Abraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt The Golden Scale Rabbi Naftali, a disciple of the rabbi of Apt, who later became the rabbi of Roptchitz, asked a fellow pupil to find out what their teacher thought of him. For half a year his friend made every effort to get the rabbi to say something, but he said nothing about Naftali, nothing goo..
빈센트 반 고흐가 램브란트의 그림을 두고 한 말입니다. " 이 그림 앞에서 보름 동안 마른 빵 부스러기만 먹으며 앉아 있을 수 있다면 내 삶의 십 년도 기꺼이 바치겠다." 당대의 사람들로 부터는 외면당했지만, 끊임없는 자화상을 그림으로 영혼의 여정을 걸어갔던 한 화가의 삶이 우리 가슴에 깊이 다..
Martin Buber <Tales of The Hasidim - Later Master> Abraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt In Hell The rabbi of Apt said to God : "Lord of the world, I know that I have no virtue and no merit for which, after my death, you could set me in paradise among the righteous. But if you are thinking of putting me in hell among the evil-doers, please remember that I cannot get along with them. So I beg of ..