목록Man makes Book, Book makes Man (144)
Move Like Glacier 빙하처럼 움직여라!
마태복음 3: 8 그러므로 회개에 합당한 열매를 맺고 회심 ' 우리가 하는 회심은 언제나 불완전하다. 따라서 우리는 성화의 과정을 거쳐 성정해야 할 뿐 아니라 더욱 온전한 회심을 이루기 위하여 노력해야 한다.' (자끄엘룰) 만약, 하나님의 구원이 우리의 철저한 회심에 달려 있다면 이 세상에 구원받을..
Dietrich Bonhoeffer The cost of Disciple Introduction Intro편집.mp3 Revival of church life always brings in its train a richer understanding of the Scriptures. Behind all the slogans and catchwords of ecclesiastical controversy, necessary though they are, there arises a more determined quest for him who is the sole object of it all, for Jesus Christ himself. What did Jesus mean to say to us? ..
Living the Message Dairy Reflection with Eugene H. Peterson Mar 3rd Lived like a Vagabond It is difficult to recapture by an act of imagination the incongruity of a person self-designated as the Son of Man, hanging pierced and bleeding on a cross. The incongruity is less dramatic but even more offensive when th Son of Man has dinner with a prostitute, stops off for lunch with a tax-collector, w..
Living the Message Dairy Reflection with Eugene H. Peterson Mar 2nd Re-Image This last book of the Bible takes the entire biblical revelation and re-images it in a compelling, persuading, evangelistic vision which has brought perseverance, stamina, joy, and discipline to Christians for centuries, and continues to do so. Not everything about everything is in the scriptures, but all that God inte..